And my baby takes her first tottering steps into the wild…

The new WWG storefront is finally live!

Denny has posted a thorough overview of the new shiny blinky bits here:

Oh, and the Brio and Interceptor are now available alongside Streets of Titan as well!

Veloce Brio product page

Interceptor product page

The HL 300 and the Podtel will follow sometime in August.

13 thoughts on “And my baby takes her first tottering steps into the wild…

  1. AoM

    Good to see the HL300 available to the masses. I'm looking forward to getting my hot little hands on the Podtel. Of course, I picked up the Brio and the Interceptor (and my folder of models waiting to be printed and built grows yet again).

    The new store looks great.

  2. AoM

    I'm glad I know about the Department of Motor Vehicles over here. That black – or should I say Midnight – Interceptor definitely needs a license plate to give it that final bump of detailed glory. This is one sexy model. The unmarked cars are definitely going to be showing up on my table.

    I'm going to see if I still have that old set of lights you had from way back in the day for the police schemes. I like the graphic lights, but if I can make the 3d ones look right on the model, I think they'll look even cooler.

  3. Werewolf8

    Nice job man, pretty cool interface. snagged all the new sci-fi goodies. gonna have to dig out the knife tonight. 9)

  4. Carl Fishman

    Vootie! I've been waiting somewhat impatiently for a chance to get the Brio and Interceptor since you unveiled them, and now they are mine! Good luck to you and the WWG crew all!

  5. Anonymous

    The new web page is sexy… nice work! And while it's beyond your direct control, I'm glad to see that WWG has adjusted their pricing downward.

  6. Uther Dracus

    Printing the Brio and Interceptor now. I look forward to seeing the Podtel. It will fit very well into a shadowrun game 🙂
    Uther Dracus

  7. emergencyoverride

    Very nice and dead sexy. You did an awesome job. Now you can hopefully get out from under the Tyranny of the present for a little while and do some fun stuff.

  8. Christopher Roe

    Well, the awesomeness of the site has more to do with Denny than me–he had a pretty clear vision of what he wanted, and my job was basically to make it work.

    If I'd tried to do something like this all by myself, I'd have played it safe and gone for something simpler and certainly much less novel. 🙂

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