Defiance Games UAMC WIPs

Haven’t had a chance to paint my new figures yet (need to replace a few of my Vallejo colors and mediums when I get a chance), but here’s a photo of the 4 guys I built up as private military contractors.

The second guy from the left is a SAW conversion. I wanted to see how the SAW looked in a more conventional form factor, so I cut off the right arm, removed the grenade launcher, shortened the sound suppressor attached to the barrel, and shaved a few other places down a little bit. I used one of the normal rifle-carrying right arms as a replacement, shaving off everything except a portion of the shoulder stock. It’s a bit on the chunky side, which kind of works because it looks like one of those gonzo fully automatic shotguns.

I gave them ball caps and carbines. No real reason other than it looks different from the fully helmeted marines with full-length rifles. I haven’t decided what color to paint them yet, but I’m leaning towards either gray or OD for the clothing and black for the armor and webbing.

3 thoughts on “Defiance Games UAMC WIPs

  1. emergencyoverride

    Nice! They have a great “corporation” look to them. Are these for Guncrawl or for some other ruleset?

  2. Christopher Roe Post author

    Oh, no specific rules in mind. I wanted non-GW figures for use in model photos, and I like plastics better than metals, so I gravitated towards these.

  3. Tony

    My order turned up today. Really looking forward to building them.

    Also managed to pick up a pair of diecast toy versions of the Scorpion Gunship from Avatar. I’ve seen it described as 1/40 and 1/50 but it looks pretty good with 28mm figures. Haven’t tried to open the cockpit yet but looks as though a GW pilot, say for the Valkyrie, might fit…

    Reckon these figures will look OK (maybe a bit small) along side the Scorpion (its way smaller than the Mattel toy version)…

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