Stop motion animation test

I wanted to test out the Stop Motion Studio app for iOS along with my new micro tripod and smartphone mount, so I shot a cheesy 4 second, 75 frame film starring a random 28mm figure, a random paper model for background ambience, and a stray cat hair.

I wanted to see if any of the problems I was worried about would crop up. For example, things like the white balance and exposure changing from frame to frame, or focus/depth of field issues. I wanted white balance and exposure to remain consistent across all of the frames, and I wanted to lock the focus as well.

Fortunately, the app has manual controls for those things, so I proceeded to test the onion skinning functionality, which shows your current frame superimposed over the previous frame. Without that feature, I’d have had a much harder time moving things around.

I think I would get better results with larger characters and props, so I’m planning to experiment with that later on.

7 thoughts on “Stop motion animation test

  1. Christopher Roe Post author

    Mikko: 😀

    Hauptgefreiter: Little guy really needs a coat or two of paint. He’s tired of all the naked pictures and videos I keep shooting and wants to move into a more respectable, fully clothed career, so I’m hoping to get the painting part of my office squared away and set up sometime this month. After that, it’d be funny to shoot one turn of a Guncrawl game in stop motion.

    It’d be even funnier if I had the the time and skill to sculpt multiple poses that I could swap out between frames to make it look like the figures were actually walking and looking around. I haven’t touched Sculpey or Fimo in years, and that might be a good excuse for me to take it up again. 😆

  2. Hauptgefreiter

    Yeah, that would be great. I saw a Space Hulk stop motion on youtube which I thought was great. Then I just remember I saw another one featuring Ebbles terrain, which was also cool.
    I’d very much like to see what you come up with 🙂

  3. Christopher Roe Post author

    That was neat! I like how the creator managed to add a feeling of action to a bunch of still images, and he/she’s got a nice sense of how to dramatically compose the photos to tell a story.

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